miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

ENTRY NUMBER 7: Roses Need Some Care to Grow Strong and Beauty

Work group: Xoana Torrecillas; Ana Lia Alonso

Roses Need Some Care to Grow Strong and Beautiful

         Roses need some care to grow properly as well as to become marvelous flowers with sweet smell,  and as a rose grower it is essential for you to be familiar with the ways of caring for them. To start with, in rose growing as in growing everything else, one has to begin at the soil, for it is the soil that nourishes the roots, the roots that feed the leaves, the leaves that support the blossoms. So, check your garden and determine the ideal spot to plant it with the require amount of light every day. Then, when it comes to watering them, always make sure you do not get water on the leaves, since wet leaves can lead to fungal infections. Next, feed these sweet smelling flowers properly with the correct food, because they need food to grow strong and beautiful. What is more, take your flowering plants safe from bugs, by either using rose food that has insecticide in them. Finally, if your plants have their leaves black,  them it is time to change them to another place of your garden.  In conclusion, knowing how to take care of roses, you can obtain beautiful and healthy flowers.



   How to Take Care of Rose - Methods to (online) from:

How to take care of roses(youtube).From:

 Growing Roses for begginers: How to take care (online) from:

The ability to take care of plants, particularly, roses, depends on many points; here are some suggestions to triumph in doing so. To start with, in rose growing as in growing everything else, one has to begin at the soil, for it is the soil that nourishes the roots, the roots that feed the leaves, the leaves that support the blossoms. So, check your garden and determine the ideal spot to plant it with the require amount of light every day. When it comes to watering them, always make sure you do not get water on the leaves, since wet leaves can lead to fungal infections. Next, feed these sweet smelling flowers properly with the correct food, because they need food to grow strong and beautiful. In addition, take your flowering plants safe from bugs, by either using rose food that has insecticide in them. Clearly, if we take into account all these advices, our flora will grow successfully.

As I could not make the comentary in the correct place, I am going to do it here.

Metacognitive Analysis

In the parts of my paragraph I have changed with Xoana, there are some coincidences as well as some differences; through this analysis I want to discover what of them makes the consign  higher in  quality.Firstly, the sense of both introductions is the same, but Xoana used more formal words. Although she wrote a  shorter sentence , it is more clear and specific. With respect to the conclusion, the one as well as the other are corret, but she used  more synonyms than me. In accordance with the parts required, not only mine but also hers, contain all the items expected. In conclusion, in spite there are more similarities than differences, Xoana,s group of words are clearly better, and using them my paragraph became better.

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