miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Types of tales

Types of tales

·         Hand down traditions passed from one generation to another

·        Validates culture

·        Use of nature

·        Prepares young people for life

·        Animals with human characteristics.

·        Learning lessons

·        Principal theme slavery

·        Educate about geography

Amnerican tales:

·        Passed from generation to generation

·        Convey a message

·        Use exaggeration

·        Fictional character

·        The story emerges from experience time of people who lived at a certain and place.


·         Hand down traditions passed from one generation to another.

·         Validates culture

·         Prepares young people for life

·true events

·         Universal and timeless themes        Common people with supernatural elements

· Animals with human trials

· Stories based on


Asian tales
  •       Hand down traditions passed from one generation to another

·         Tales become proverbs

·         Validates culture and traditions.

·         Animals are known by their abilities.

·         Reflect real life, heroicic figures, animals.

·         Marriadge between humans and no humans.

·         Themes:Causes of everything that affeceaches values and filial piety

·         Mixture of inmortals,  spirits and ghosts with mortal people.

·         Combine history and mythology

·         Teachsloyalty, justice,morality and conscience

Australian tales

·         Storetelling  passed From generation to generation

·         Help to understand culture, history and people

·         Themes : aborigen culture, life and death, gumtree hollow.

·         Reveals how the aborigens think of creation













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